The vision is to enable the use of medicinal plants growing in Africa for the benefit of its people and animals. The programme investigates problems in the wide area of infections, especially microbial and parasitic infection infections in the process of training postgraduate students. |
Moringa Whole Seed - contains all the richness of the Moringa plant. It is a good anti-oxidant and detoxifier. |
Our Partners 1) Bioresources Development and Conservation Programme (BDCP) Our Approach: Sustainability, capacity building and self-reliance are the underlying tenets in all BDCP projects. The programme adopts a bottom-up approach in its efforts to enable rural dwellers to derive maximum benefits from their environmental resources and their labor. Science and technology is viewed as a useful tool to be adapted to the cultural framework of productive activities, not as modern alternatives to the contributions of members of the community. Our research challenges are to generate integrated biological resource management knowledge (including the tools to use it) and to promote its free exchange among researchers, policymakers, and users of these resources. Innovations are introduced to empower stakeholders at all levels to make informed resource-management choices by improving their knowledge and their ability to articulate objectives and negotiate demands. Research and operational methods are developed involving stakeholders in the process, as much as we do the delivered research products. Within each project region, we have established strategic partnerships with local level, national and international institutions that fill complementary roles along the research-development continuum. Organisation and Capabilities: Through its International Centre for Ethnomedicine and Drug Development (InterCEDD), BDCP has considerably enhanced capacities in ethnobiology and field taxonomy. Its linkages, broad sectoral and multi disciplinary approach has endowed it with considerable experience in biodiversity research, public participation, training, management and conservation. Our programme areas are biodiversity conservation and inventory, environmental valuation and sustainable development, ethnobotany and field taxonomy, as well as capacity building and training. In addition, BDCP has a sister-company in the USA known as Axxon Biopharm where Natural Products are developed. |